Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Christian Dior Couture Spring 2010

Finally the couture shows are being presented in Paris. I like prêt-à-porter a LOT! But couture gives fashion a chance to be more theatrical, dramatic, dreamy, expensive, absurd... In my opnion, couture is where designers don't care that much about creating a piece that's going to be a retail success. Couture is for elite, for just a few customers around the world. Not everyone can spend more than $30.000 in a dress. But there are a few. And besides that, couture shows are a great marketing strategy for houses like Dior o Givenchy, they've been working on their "image" and marketing in a different way as Lacroix did.

So, today's the time for some beautiful gowns from Dior. John Galliano, creative director for this brand, always gives the press and the customer something to talk and wow about!
This season, Galliano did some research in the Costume Institute at the Metropolitan Museum and he got inspired by Charles James' gowns, who also was an inspiration for Christian Dior's new look. The result has an equestrian look including top hats, full riding skirts, veils, gorgeous silhouettes.

As always, Dior's runways are great in all aspects. From clothes to scenery, to hair/make up, and of course that's thanks to the great team that works with Galliano, which includes Pat McGrath (make up artist). All critics loved it after what they called a "fail" from last season.

So here's a pick of my favorites...

And some details from this look...

The color on this picture above is AMAZING! And the heels are kinda sculptured.

This one's my favorite. Simple, with a beautiful draping coming from the back.

And this one, was my favorite gowns from the show.


  1. Me encanta mucho esta coleccion..ADORE it..Pero un rasgo especial: the trannie faces. Parece q amarra la coleccion...ya q me parece como q hace referencia a varias epocas diferentes en sentido progresivo..

  2. estuvo RAJADOOO! mi fav de los gowns es el ultimo thou! con un mero lazote! HIPER MEGA couture!

  3. Lids:
    A John Galliano siempre le ha encantado el maquillaje absurdiiiiisimo y excesivo. Una de las cosas que busca con el make up es lograr como un efecto casi caricaturesco, x eso es tan exagerado. Y casi siempre con él, hace referencia a alguna época en específico, dándole un edge obviamente.
    Ahí luego posteo más cositas de couture, ya verás
