Sunday, January 16, 2011

Nicola Formichetti for Thierry Mugler

I'm having an anxiety attack right now!

On Wednesday at Paris Men's Fashion Week, Nicola Formichetti, known for his collaborations with Lady Gaga, Japanese Men's Vogue, Dazed & Confused and V, will be presenting his debut collection for Thierry Mugler, called "Anatomy of Change".

Part of the anxiety I'm having is because of the work we all know from this amazing stylist/designer/editor, including spectacular images for the already named magazines. Plus, Mugler has always given a twist to fashion, creating looks that leaves lots speechless because of its materials, silhouettes, craftmanship, show, etc.

Here's a first image from his debut collection. Hope I get more photos to update you all.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Scott Schumann, aka The Sartorialist

A few years ago, I found out about a blog, The Sartorialist, filled with photos of street style. Of course there was a great eye behind those photos, not even a proffesional photographer but a guy a unique sensibility for style.

I've been watching his blog for quite a few years and I still enjoy each and every one of his photos. And today I found this video called "Intel Visual Life - The Sartorialist". It's a quite simple production, but same as the blog The Sartorialist, it has its special beauty and harmony.

Enjoy it.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

El bien y el mal.

Just for a change I'm gonna post something in spanish and not fashion or design related. I just started a new book and I'm wow-ed by all the things its says and I just wanted to share it with you and especially those who know spanish.

"(...) Y no lo creo porque, por definición, el ser humano está dotado de libre albeldrío, y puede elegir entre el bien y el mal. Si sólo puede actuar bien o sólo puede actuar mal, no será más que una naranja mecánica, lo que quiere decir que en apariencia será un hermoso organismo con color y zumo, pero de hecho no será más que un juguete mecánico al que Dios o el Diablo (o el Todopoderoso Estado, ya que está sustituyéndolos a los dos) le darán cuerda. Es tan inhumano ser totalmente bueno como totalmente malvado. Lo importante es la elección moral. La maldad tiene que existir junto a la bondad para que pueda darse esa elección moral. La vida se sostiene gracias a la enconada oposición de entidades morales. De eso hablan los noticiarios televisivos. Desgraciadamente hay en nosotros tanto pecado original que el mal nos parece atractivo. Destruir es más fácil y mucho más espectacular que crear. Nos gusta morirnos de miedo ante visiones de destrucción cósmica. Sentarse en una habitación oscura y componer la Missa Solemnis o la Anatomía de la melancolía no da pie a titulares ni a flashes informativos. Desgraciadamente mi pequeño libelo atrajo a muchos porque despedía los miasmas del pecado original como un cartón de huevos podridos".

Anthony Burgess
Noviembre, 1986.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Sarah Burton on taking McQueen's position

"For quite a long time I didn't want the job," Sarah said. "I thought: how would I ever even begin to begin? Lee's mind was so different to everyone else's. I knew there was no way I could pretend to be him; but I had to ask myself, what did Lee work for? For all this to close down? I thought about what I wanted. What was best for me. Like many women my age, I do want children, but I came to think that that's not a reason not to take up a challenge. In the end, I decided to just get on with it: do my best." She also reveals details from her job interview with McQueen... "I remember Lee asking me, 'Do you believe in UFOs?'"

Hope I can get the British Vogue to read more about her.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Kate Moss for Balmain

There's nothing like a smart/creative mix. And like we all know, fashion is a specialist on doing that. To name a few: Comme des Garçons + H&M, Björk + Alexander McQueen on Fashion Rocks 2000, Rodarte + Target, Miu Miu + Lindsay Lohan, etc.

And now, Balmain, for their fall/winter ad campaign they worked with Inez Van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin to make a short film featuring Kate Moss wearing tight pants, leather jacket and a sequined top while she appears to be in the photo shoot view from a different angle. But that's not all, add Antony Hegarty's amazing and unique voice and a great animation of some kind of creature going around Moss' body and stealing her cigarrettes.

Enjoy it! I really think it's a great mix of model + music + animation + video + fashion.